Our Value for this half-term is: 



Norton Road Primary School

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Enabling Our Children To Achieve


We are sure you will agree that regular attendance at school is essential for your child's educational and emotional needs.

If your child is unwell, and unable to come to school, it is important that you contact the school office by 9am (01582 571169).

If we are not advised that your child is ill, their absence will be recorded as 'unauthorised'.  In cases of unauthorised absence, significant absence or lateness, it is likely that our school's Education Welfare Officer will contact you to discuss this.  Please be aware that penalty notices and fines are now issued in the case of persistent, unauthorised absences.

We, at Norton Road Primary School like to recognise when children achieve 100% attendance, and this is rewarded with certificates and special assemblies, which the children love to receive!

We ask that wherever possible absences for medical/dental/hospital appointments are arranged outside of school hours, however we do appreciate that this is not always possible.  If you do need to take your child out of school for such a appointment, we will need to see written confirmation from you in the form of an appointment card or letter.

Thank you for your co-operation.