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Norton Road Primary School

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Enabling Our Children To Achieve

Governing Body

Chair of Governors: Dawn Winfield 

email: governor.dwinfield@nortonroadprimary.co.uk

Welcome to our Governing Body

The Governors of Norton Road Primary School are very proud to take an active part in school life. Our vision is to ensure that everything possible is in place to enable our pupils to achieve to the best of their ability and make progress, to flourish socially and feel safe and happy whilst at school.

The three core functions of the Governors are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Many Governors have had children attend the school or still have children attending; we therefore can understand parental viewpoints. We are very approachable and more than happy to hear from you about any matters you may wish to discuss.

Governance Role

As Governors, a critical part of our role is to ensure we develop and maintain strong links with parents, staff and pupils. To support this, we can often be found in and around school, attending meetings and experiencing the many different activities that take place in school. We also try to attend as many school functions as we are able.

Governance Monitoring

The Governing Body will monitor in detail areas such as Finance, Personnel, Premises (which includes Health & Safety) and the Curriculum. We also ensure that legally required policies and documents are held and are available for Staff, Pupils, Governors, Parents and Carers and any visitors to school when and where relevant. 

Governors receive a report from the Headteacher once a term which keeps us up to date with pupil’s academic achievements, staffing, attendance, special projects, school life in general and other legally required reports.  We make crucial decisions about the school in our Governing Body meetings and ratify policies in action in the school.

We also ensure that we are aware of what is taking place within the ever-changing world of Education and Governance. We do this by attending courses held by the Local Authority and by being affiliated to the National Governance Association.